纽约的新法律, 倡导质地教育的集体要求包容性头发教育

New York Governor Hochul signed legislation 要求州美容委员会颁发执照,包括培训 and testing on all hair types and textures

这项新法律得到了纹理教育集体(侦探)的支持,, 参议员贾马尔·贝利(D-36)和众议员米歇尔·索拉格斯(D-22)

纽约(2023年12月1日)——11月17日th, New York State 州长凯西·霍赫尔 signed legislation sponsored by New York State Senator Jamaal Bailey (D-36) and New York State Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages (D-22), 要求州美容委员会颁发执照,包括培训, 对所有发质和发质进行教育和测试. This monumental moment for inclusive beauty in New York has been championed by 的 LBBET乐博 (LBBET乐博),连同其 纹理教育集体 (侦探),由Aveda、DevaCurl、欧莱雅美国和尼尔共同创立.

This success is a result of 侦探’s collective efforts to build upon an existing 2017 law spearheaded by New York State Assemblyman Gary Pretlow (D-79) which mandates New York to appoint a professional hairstylist onto the NYS Appearance Enhancement Advisory Committee to advise the State on matters concerning curriculum inclusive of the maintenance of all hair types and textures. 的 new law demonstrates the importance of having a professional hairstylist on the Advisory Committee and will help to ensure that hair education is systemically more inclusive in the State of New York.

“这是推动纽约州头发包容性的一大步. 这条法律的结果, 造型师现在将获得综合, inclusive hair education that will help to foster safe and positive experiences for all customers to feel welcomed, 有价值的, 理解, 在接受头发服务时看到的. 我们非常感谢Hochul省长, 参议员贝利, 众议员Solages and Assemblyman Pretlow for their dedication to close this much needed education gap. 我们期待着尽快将这一重要进展带到其他国家.——Myra Reddy,LBBET乐博政府事务总监 

头发是非常私人的. 作为我妻子的骄傲丈夫和两个女儿的父亲, I want them to feel confident and beautiful when it comes to their uniquely textured hair – and in all the ways it is inextricably linked to our well-being, 个人身份, 以及我们如何出现在这个世界上. 拥有各种发质的人都应该受到欢迎, 理解, 当他们寻求护发服务时也是安全的. 的 current standards in the cosmetology industry often do not adequately prepare professionals to work with diverse hair textures. This knowledge gap disproportionately impacts women and girls of color with textured and diverse hair who face challenges in seeking out services that meet their needs. 我的账单, S6528 seeks to change this by empowering cosmetologists to work with all hair textures and requiring that education and testing for cosmetologists or natural hair stylists includes the provision of services to individuals with all hair types and textures. This is an important step towards greater access and 包容 – we would not be here without the efforts of all of the professionals and the industry leaders whose dedicated work and advocacy has helped elevate the standards of education and care for individuals with all hair textures. I also want to thank Assemblymember Michaelle Solages for carrying this legislation in the Assembly, 州长凯西·霍赫尔, 多数党领袖安德烈·斯图尔特·考辛斯, 议会议长卡尔?. 赫斯蒂,以及我在两院的同事们的支持.——36岁的贾马尔·贝利参议员 

“As a woman with textured hair, this achievement holds a special significance for me. 这是多样性的胜利, 包容, 确保每个人, 不管他们的发质如何, 在沙龙中获得他们应得的关注和专业知识. I am proud to have played a part in making the cosmetology field more representative and empowering for individuals with diverse hair textures. 我感谢霍赫尔州长和贝利参议员, LBBET乐博 and 侦探 for work on this transformative step forward for the cosmetology industry.——纽约州女议员Michaelle Solages (D-22) “New York is a melting pot filled with diversity and inclusive culture which is appreciated throughout the world – it’s our duty as policymakers to protect that. I’m proud that my 2017 law is a part of the growing foundation in strengthening our states standards in making everyone feel nothing short of 有价值的 and empowered. 祝贺Hochul省长, 参议员贝利, 众议员Solages, LBBET乐博和侦探让这个基础更加稳固.——纽约州议员Gary prelow (D-89)

2023年12月1日,《LBBET乐博》杂志发表了一篇文章 article detailing the new law and highlighting the potential the bill has to lead the state to a better, 更包容的未来.

To 签署请愿书 倡导将有质感的头发纳入美容检测标准, 及索取更多资料,以了解如何成为侦探访问的支援成员 walletyer.com.



LBBET乐博 (LBBET乐博) is dedicated to advocating and fighting for the rights and professionalism of the beauty industry and is committed to the long-term success of beauty professionals and the businesses that employ and support them. As the largest and most inclusive trade organization representing the entire beauty industry, LBBET乐博代表行业倡导立法, 包括反对放松管制. LBBET乐博还为会员提供精心策划的资源, 包括教育, 业务工具和资源, 精心策划的医疗保健和保险选择, 互斥事件, 慈善活动, 奖学金, 网络机会和专有报告和数据. 成员包括制造商, 分销商, 沙龙, 水疗, 学校, 独立的实践者, 学生, 以及行业供应商. 有关会籍详情,请浏览: ziv9.walletyer.com/join.


纹理教育集体(侦探) was formed by an alliance of professional hair industry leaders with a shared goal of encouraging cosmetology state board licensing requirements and curriculums nationwide to be inclusive of all hair types and textures. One of the primary objectives of the 侦探 is to encourage states to adopt textured hair education as part of their curriculum and state board exams. 的 goal is to empower cosmetologists and stylists with the confidence to consult and work with clients who have textured hair, 同时保持造型性能, 他们在美容课程中学到的健康和安全标准. 

的创始成员 纹理教育集体 包括Aveda, DevaCurl™,L 'Oré艾尔·美国和尼尔. 支持合作伙伴包括Avalon, BBR, Bumble和Bumble, 艾维-约翰逊, L 'ANZA, 活生生的例子, 夫人, Sam Villa和Texture vs. 比赛.